I'm going to be honest, this year's roundup is going to be a challenge for me. In the past I've reviewed dozens of albums and gone to a similar number of gigs each year so my biggest problem has been narrowing it down. This year, though, has been a struggle. Between real life, work, studies … Continue reading 2023 Crew Review: Mosh – Da Boss
Tag: Russkaja
Album Review: Russkaja – Turbo Polka Party
A new Russkaja album is always something to look forward to, and we have the bonus in 2023 of not only a Bloodstock appearance but four (teeny tiny) UK dates, plus an Irish one, in March/April as well (details below)! I am more than happy to be corrected, but I don't think the band have … Continue reading Album Review: Russkaja – Turbo Polka Party
2017 Crew Review: Iain Purdie (Mosh) – Da Boss
Good grief, where do I start? At the time I'm drafting this, this year we have published 2098 articles of which 388 are album reviews and 228 are live reviews. We've covered stadium fillers like Guns N' Roses and bands playing venues with a capacity not much larger than our living room. In almost every … Continue reading 2017 Crew Review: Iain Purdie (Mosh) – Da Boss
Interview: Georgij Makazaria of Russkaja
Russkaja's latest album Kosmopoliturbo was released a couple of weeks ago and, not surprisingly, rocked our little red boats - the ones with hammers and sickles on them. We managed to snag a few words with frontman and songsmith Georgij to find out more about what makes Russkaja tick... Kosmopoliturbo has been out for a few … Continue reading Interview: Georgij Makazaria of Russkaja
Review: Russkaja – Kosmopoliturbo
Ah, Russkaja. A band utterly unique until I recently checked out Gogol Bordello (who Russkaja's singer Georgij Makazaria had actually mentioned in an interview we did with him for the last album). Mind you, there are enough differences between the two for them to complement rather than clash. If you like one, chances are you'll like … Continue reading Review: Russkaja – Kosmopoliturbo
Video Roundup: Al-Namrood, Mason Hill, Hypochristmutreefuzz, Dendera, Russkaja, City of Ashes
Time to chuck another half-dozen visual delicacies your way... Al-Namrood - "Bat Al Tha ar Nar Muheja" Not a new track, this one's from 2014, but it just came our way and I had to include it. Extreme / death metal with a Middle-eastern tinge, this genuinely sounds original. The band themselves are from Saudi … Continue reading Video Roundup: Al-Namrood, Mason Hill, Hypochristmutreefuzz, Dendera, Russkaja, City of Ashes