2023 Crew Review: Mosh – Da Boss

I'm going to be honest, this year's roundup is going to be a challenge for me. In the past I've reviewed dozens of albums and gone to a similar number of gigs each year so my biggest problem has been narrowing it down. This year, though, has been a struggle. Between real life, work, studies … Continue reading 2023 Crew Review: Mosh – Da Boss

Gig Review: Steve ‘n’ Seagulls – Cathouse, Glasgow (4th November 2023)

Well, that was a good night out... I only spotted this gig as Sean was wanting to do photos and the name of the band rang a vague bell. A quick look online and I found one of their earlier videos, an AC/DC cover which I vaguely recall watching some years ago. Can bluegrass and … Continue reading Gig Review: Steve ‘n’ Seagulls – Cathouse, Glasgow (4th November 2023)

Interview: Remmel of Steve ‘n’ Seagulls

The band are hading to UK/Irish soil over the next week or so for a flurry of dates, featuring bluegrass covers of classic rock / metal tracks as well as their own original material. Expect fun, frolics and Finnish humour! There are, at the time of interview, only a handful of tickets left for most … Continue reading Interview: Remmel of Steve ‘n’ Seagulls