Road To Bloodstock 2024: Goblinsmoker

Our regular run-down of as many of the upcoming Bloodstock bands as we can get to talk to us! Goblinsmoker play the EMP stage on the Sunday... Simple things first – where are you guys from? We’re from Durham, in the North East of England. How long have you been playing together as a band? … Continue reading Road To Bloodstock 2024: Goblinsmoker

Road To Bloodstock 2024: Crowgod

Our regular run-down of as many of the upcoming Bloodstock bands as we can get to talk to us! Crowgod play the New Blood stage on the Sunday… Simple things first – where are you guys from? Brighton, baby! How long have you been playing together as a band? A year and eight months. Or … Continue reading Road To Bloodstock 2024: Crowgod

Road To Bloodstock 2024: Crowley

Our regular run-down of as many of the upcoming Bloodstock bands as we can get to talk to us! Crowley play the EMP stage on the Friday... Simple things first – where are you guys from? We’re based in Newcastle, though only one of us is actually from there! How long have you been playing … Continue reading Road To Bloodstock 2024: Crowley

Road To Bloodstock 2024: Lethal Evil

Our regular run-down of as many of the upcoming Bloodstock bands as we can get to talk to us! Lethal Evil play the EMP stage on the Friday... Simple things first – where are you guys from? Hi. I’m the drummer Ernie and I’m from Uruguay, JP is the guitarist /singer from Argentina, and Charlie … Continue reading Road To Bloodstock 2024: Lethal Evil

Road To Bloodstock 2024: Warpstormer

Our regular run-down of as many of the upcoming Bloodstock bands as we can get to talk to us! Warpstormer play the EMP stage on the Sunday... Simple things first – where are you guys from? We come from all over the place, but the band came together in New Cross, London. How long have … Continue reading Road To Bloodstock 2024: Warpstormer

Road To Bloodstock 2024: Yersin

Our regular run-down of as many of the upcoming Bloodstock bands as we can get to talk to us! Yersin play the EMP stage on the Sunday... Simple things first – where are you guys from? We’re from Sunderland which is in the North East of England. How long have you been playing together as … Continue reading Road To Bloodstock 2024: Yersin