Album Review: Disposable – It’s Blood That Trickles Down

Following our interview at Bloodstock earlier this year, I’ve been eagerly awaiting the new album from Edinburgh thrashers Disposable. Their last release, last year’s Self-Dismantling Process EP, was an awesome triad of tunes that upped the technicality and brutality of the bands already aggressive thrash and crushing grooves. They told me that with the new … Continue reading Album Review: Disposable – It’s Blood That Trickles Down

Gig Review: Disposable – “It’s Blood That Trickles Down” album launch party – Legends, Edinburgh (30th November 2024)

It’s my last gig of 2024 and my first time in Edinburgh in a few years. After Disposable kindly sent me their latest album It’s Blood That Trickles Down for review last week, it’s been on constant rotation and getting me super hyped for this gig. The show was originally going to be a smaller … Continue reading Gig Review: Disposable – “It’s Blood That Trickles Down” album launch party – Legends, Edinburgh (30th November 2024)

Gig Review: Tortured Demon / Sacrificial Burial / Catalysis / Doppelganger – Audio, Glasgow (17th November 2024)

It's been over a month since Moshville Rocktoberfest and the hunger for live metal is needing to be satiated again. I've definitely been  missing a good mosh so it's fortunate Tortured Demon have journeyed to Scotland for the last date of their current headline tour. Arriving shortly before doors open for an interview with frontman … Continue reading Gig Review: Tortured Demon / Sacrificial Burial / Catalysis / Doppelganger – Audio, Glasgow (17th November 2024)

Album Review: Solitary – Embrace the Darkness

It's unbelievable that it's been four years since Preston thrash legends Solitary released their last record, 2020's awesome The Truth Behind the Lies, so when the new singles started dropping in the run up to the release it was a welcome surprise having not knowing the band had new material in the works. Flashing forward at … Continue reading Album Review: Solitary – Embrace the Darkness

Festival Review: Bloodstock 2024 – Sean M’s Review (Thursday / Friday)

Another year, another Bloodstock! Looking back I can’t believe this one has been my ninth festival. I’ve been going every year (except 2021) since I braved the journey alone as an anxious 21-year old for BOA 2014 and had the time of my life. It’s never been any different for me and this year was … Continue reading Festival Review: Bloodstock 2024 – Sean M’s Review (Thursday / Friday)

Road to Bloodstock 2024: Haliphron

Our regular run-down of as many of the upcoming Bloodstock bands as we can get to talk to us! Haliphron play the Sophie Lancaster stage on the Friday… Simple things first – where are you guys from? We are from the Netherlands. How long have you been playing together as a band? Well, not very … Continue reading Road to Bloodstock 2024: Haliphron