Meet the bands playing Moshville Winterfest

It's taken some time after The Moshville Times took over a stage at Wildfire Festival back in 2017, but the idea of having our own festival showcasing bands from the underground never went away. And when we asked a handful of them to perform at this gig, they all simply jumped at the chance; bands … Continue reading Meet the bands playing Moshville Winterfest

Moshville Winterfest 2022 – tickets on sale now!

It's taken some time after The Moshville Times took over a stage at Wildfire Festival back in 2017, but the idea of having our own festival showcasing bands from the underground never went away. Bands that we at Moshville Times have supported throughout the years. And when we asked a handful of them to perform … Continue reading Moshville Winterfest 2022 – tickets on sale now!

Video Premiere: Footprints in the Custard – “Barren Field Of Fucks”

Lawks-a-lordy, the nutters are back. They blew everyone away (I emphasise "away" though you know what these after-show parties are like) at Bloodstock 2021, premiered this track on Shells' show on Moshville Radio the other day and now we've been asked to sully our website with a video rendition of it, another of their foul-mouthed … Continue reading Video Premiere: Footprints in the Custard – “Barren Field Of Fucks”

“They stole the fucking moon!” – Footprints in the Custard release fan-made “Space Force!” video

While Netflix try to pretend it was their idea, Footprints in the Custard release their mega high budget, effect-laden extravaganza video for "Space Force!" from recent album A New Low (that my auntie hated). Put together using the finest in online technologies so that virtual crew could add their own segments, this seamless video makes … Continue reading “They stole the fucking moon!” – Footprints in the Custard release fan-made “Space Force!” video

Bloodstock 2019: Mosh’s View

I'm the Big Bad Editor in Chief and I've been remiss in not doing my Bloodstock review as yet... Time to address that! Everyone else has already done lengthy bits about bands so I'll try not to focus on them, and instead bang on about what a great event it was. As usual! There are … Continue reading Bloodstock 2019: Mosh’s View

Festival Review: Bloodstock 2019 Thu/Fri – Sean’s View

We've a lot of Bloodstock stuff to go up over the next few days. With a big group of us there as crew and punters, we managed to cover a fair whack. Here's Sean's take on the opening evening and the first full day. Thursday After a few weeks of our annual #RoadToBOA pre-festival interviews, … Continue reading Festival Review: Bloodstock 2019 Thu/Fri – Sean’s View