Album News: Asylum Pyre / muet / Dancing With Ghosts / Rottenness

More news about releases upcoming and recent... Asylum Pyre N°4, as an ironic reference to Chanel’s N°5 is the finest fragrance Asylum Pyre could possibly offer. Continuing the concept started 10 years ago, the 12 songs of this album illustrate what Asylum Pyre waves as a flag: 12 different atmospheres, 12 hooking choruses, 12 modern … Continue reading Album News: Asylum Pyre / muet / Dancing With Ghosts / Rottenness

MetalDays 2018: Day 7 and wrap-up

By this stage you'll probably be sick of a list of bands so I'll just rattle through the handful I caught through a haze of Laško. On New Forces, Asylum Pyre and Copia both impressed, while main stage act Death Alley from The Netherlands didn't quite get the audience they deserved for their fuzzy hard rock. Two-man … Continue reading MetalDays 2018: Day 7 and wrap-up

#RoadToMetalDays2018 – Asylum Pyre

Always aiming to put the smaller / less well known bands front and centre, welcome to our series featuring acts on the New Forces stage at this year’s Metal Days festival in Slovenia, as well as a couple of bands who are being featured for a second time having trodden the boards of that stage … Continue reading #RoadToMetalDays2018 – Asylum Pyre

New Band of the Day: Asylum Pyre

Another French band today (I found a bunch via a French metal fan page on facebook that I've since lost - d'oh), and this time a "melodic metal" act called Asylum Pyre. There are six in the band, including keyboards, bass, drums, twin guitars and a female vocalist (Chaos Heidi) who has a hell of … Continue reading New Band of the Day: Asylum Pyre