Ask and ye shall receive. Sometimes. I mean, you can ask me to feature your band on here and you’ll almost certainly receive a “yes” followed by a post. Which is pretty much what Adam did when he saw the interview I did recently with Venomous Maximus – his own band, Whaler, played with them about a month ago so he dropped me a line with some info, a link to their EP and then begged a bit.
OK, he didn’t beg.
Whaler come from Michigan which is famous for being somewhere I’ve heard of, and probably some other stuff that you can find on Wikipedia. I don’t know if it’s got a history involving the whaling trade, but if it doesn’t then I presume it’s got a well-thumbed copy of Herman Melville‘s most famous work.
As far as subject matter is concerned, Whaler do indeed have some kind of cetacean fetish. Songs like “Jonah”, “Blubbernaut” and “Seabeast Bloody Seabeast” are a slow, ponderous, and heavy yet graceful as the sea-dwellers they’re about. They’re very much stuck (in a good way) in the 1970’s in terms of doom rock.
I picked a track entirely at random to embed below, or you can listen to the EP, Deep Six, via bandcamp or Spotify. For more info on the band, including upcoming shows and the like, point your harpoon in the direction of facefart.