2020 Crew Review: James “Jim” – Senior Editor

Oh, that time again? Dang, I guess I'd best string some words together. This year has been a pretty weird one for me personally, as I've found myself growing more and more detached from music as a whole and I'm probably not the only one. As Ross said in his review, the live music industry … Continue reading 2020 Crew Review: James “Jim” – Senior Editor

2018 Crew Review: Jim Costin – Senior Editor

Is it really the end of 2018? This year has gone far too quickly for me and has been a little more challenging than others. Real life duties have sadly kept me from doing as much with the site but hopefully that will change soon. There have been some amazing shows I have been to … Continue reading 2018 Crew Review: Jim Costin – Senior Editor

Album Review: Mors Subita – Into the Pitch Black

Whilst it may seem that over the past few months I have only been covering material from Scandinavian and Nordic countries, the main reason for that is because they've been releasing some damn good material. Wolfheart's most recent release, Tyhjyys, was my album of the year last year and part of the reason for that was … Continue reading Album Review: Mors Subita – Into the Pitch Black