European Metal Fest Alliance release anti-war charity t-shirt

Members of the European Metal Festival Alliance (EMFA), have today launched a new ‘Metal United’ t-shirt, with all proceeds going to a recognised relief charity to aid Ukrainian people most in need in their current crisis. The festivals taking part in this fundraiser - Alcatraz Hard Rock & Metal Festival, Belgium; Art Mania Festival, Romania; … Continue reading European Metal Fest Alliance release anti-war charity t-shirt

2020 Crew Review: James “Jim” – Senior Editor

Oh, that time again? Dang, I guess I'd best string some words together. This year has been a pretty weird one for me personally, as I've found myself growing more and more detached from music as a whole and I'm probably not the only one. As Ross said in his review, the live music industry … Continue reading 2020 Crew Review: James “Jim” – Senior Editor