A short but sweet year-end round-up from MarkW. Best New Album: Ho99o9 - United States of Horror Blood Youth - Beyond Repair (These would've been in the best band I discovered, but I heard them in 2016) Mexican Chili Funeral Party - Mexican Warriors' Revenge (Enjoyed this immensely) Black Mirrors - Funky Queen Pink Pussycats from … Continue reading 2017 Crew Review – MarkW, Writer/Reviewer
Tag: Mexican Chili Funeral Party
Review: Mexican Chili Funeral Party – Mexican Warriors’ Revenge
Mexican Chili Funeral Party formed in 2009 in Milan, Italy. Mexican Chili Funeral Party are a band not a political party, so don’t be fooled by ‘party’ at the end of Mexican Chili Funeral… anyway. Four musicians crafted their sound over the past few years, endorsing their love of Black Sabbath, Bjork and Queens of … Continue reading Review: Mexican Chili Funeral Party – Mexican Warriors’ Revenge