Released a couple of years ago, Red Brick City, the collaboration between father and son duo of Biff and Seb Byford saw them form their own project under the name of Heavy Water. Now, Byford Sr and Jr are back for round two with their new album, Dreams of Yesterday. While it seems that it’s … Continue reading Album Review: Heavy Water – Dreams of Yesterday
Tag: Heavy Water
Heavy Water announce second album
Heavy Water, the lockdown project created by Saxon frontman Biff Byford and son Seb Byford, will release their latest groove-saturated, riff-mighty, hip-shaking collection of timeless rock and roll, titled Dreams of Yesterday, on September 29th via Silver Lining Music. Kicking things off is the swagger and thrust of the steamy, psychedelic-tinged single and title track … Continue reading Heavy Water announce second album
Crew Review 2021: Ross – Deputy Editor-in-Chief
The more things change, the more they stay the same. We started 2021 locked up because of a virus and it’s looking like we may end it in a similar fashion. And much like every other year I’m written one of these year-end reviews, I’m flabbergasted that we’re at the end of another calendar year … Continue reading Crew Review 2021: Ross – Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Album Review: Heavy Water – Red Brick City
For most in 2020, bands had to stop all their release and recording plans, and that’s without taking into account touring. While most retreated into our screens and social media feeds with live streams, a couple of people by the name of Seb and Biff Byford decided to go the opposite way – form a … Continue reading Album Review: Heavy Water – Red Brick City