Crew Review 2021: Ross – Deputy Editor-in-Chief

The more things change, the more they stay the same. We started 2021 locked up because of a virus and it’s looking like we may end it in a similar fashion. And much like every other year I’m written one of these year-end reviews, I’m flabbergasted that we’re at the end of another calendar year … Continue reading Crew Review 2021: Ross – Deputy Editor-in-Chief

2020 Crew Review: Ross – Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Usually, these articles start with a “Wow, is it that time again?” But this year, it feels like it’s been a marathon to get to this point, rather than a sprint. Probably because, well...y’know. While the bottom may have dropped out the live music industry in a momentous fashion, we’ve still had the opportunity to … Continue reading 2020 Crew Review: Ross – Deputy Editor-in-Chief

2018 Crew Review: Rachy – Writer / Copy Editor

There's nothing more sobering than working in urgent care on New Years Eve and as I go through my usual routine of unwinding on the drive home by playing my loudest playlist, singing like no-one can hear me, it seemed like the perfect time to look back over the last 12 months and see which … Continue reading 2018 Crew Review: Rachy – Writer / Copy Editor

Gig Review: God Damn / Ghosts Of Dead Airplanes / You Dirty Blue – The Flapper, Birmingham (29th June 2018)

On a beautiful summer's night I head to what would have been The Flapper's 'final weekend'. Sadly one of Birmingham's greatest rock venues was to be closed for redevelopment. At the eleventh hour, a twelve month extension on the lease was given by Baskerville Wharf whilst discussions are 'ongoing' with Birmingham City Council. The Flapper … Continue reading Gig Review: God Damn / Ghosts Of Dead Airplanes / You Dirty Blue – The Flapper, Birmingham (29th June 2018)

2017 Crew Review: Rachel Hasnip – Writer/Copy Editor

The hardest thing about writing this end of year review (as I'm sure everyone has said), is narrowing it down to my absolute favourites. To make my brain hurt less I will be choosing bands that I've reviewed personally. This has been my first full year writing for The Moshville Times and I'm utterly proud … Continue reading 2017 Crew Review: Rachel Hasnip – Writer/Copy Editor

Saturday Video Roundup: God Damn, jellyskin, The Charm The Fury, September Mourning

The first of our two weekend roundups and, as ever, we've gone for a big variety. Something for everyone, we hope! God Damn - "It Bites" "It Bites" is taken from God Damn's brand new album Everything Ever, out now on One Little Indian Records. Our Rachy is a big fan and pretty much told … Continue reading Saturday Video Roundup: God Damn, jellyskin, The Charm The Fury, September Mourning