Keep of Kalessin / Vreid / Vredehammer / Scutum Crux – Garage, London (9th November 2015)

Photo by Aoife Le Roux
Photo by Aoife Le Roux

[avatar user=”wolfie” size=”50″ align=”left” /]The one thing I was told about the show when I arrived earlier that day was that there was going to be less than 100 people at the show. That certainly was the case tonight, with big empty spaces filling the downstairs of the Garage, but despite the small turnout, Scutum Crux did not fail to disappoint with heavy riffs and drums loud; screeching vocals turn the Garage into a black metal haven, the band covered in corpse paint and spikes. Definately a highlight of tonight.

Vredehammer London
Photo by Aoife Le Roux

Vredehammer are next on stage with an outstanding performance (and a much longer set than the last time they played in the U.K.). Their set consisted of brilliant crowd interaction and engagement, wild riffs and beautifully sung vocals. With songs such as “We are the Sacrifice” and “Mintaka” they threw the crowd into a mass of headbangers.

Vreid London 2015
Photo by Aoife Le Roux

Vreid soon follow with a mixture of old and new songs such as “Eldast” and “Disciplined” as well as “Haust”. Turning the small crowd into a frenzy of pumping fists and cheering, with clear vocals and ringing guitars, a great set from the band.

Photo by Aoife Le Roux
Photo by Aoife Le Roux

Finally are the headliners of the night, Keep of Kalessin, whose melodic riffs and beautiful vocals whip the crowd into a frenzy of horns and fists with cheering. The band are on top form tonight with flawless guitars and drums and beautiful bass lines which come together in harmony. Another great gig from Keep of Kalessin.

Interviews will be online shortly!

Keep of Kalessin: official | facebook | twitter | youtube | myspace

Vreid: official | facebook | twitter | youtube

Vredehammer: official | facebook | twitter | youtube

Scutum Crux: facebook

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