Interview: Hvàll of Vreid

Photo by Aoife Le Roux
Photo by Aoife Le Roux

Our interview takes place on the tour bus, with bassist Hváll, before their London show with Vredehammer and Keep of Kalessin.

Moshville Times: You released your album Solverv a few months ago. What were the influences behind the album?

Hváll: For the writing of this album I stayed in my family cabin, and about 20-30% of the album reflects the past 10-15 years of my career.

MT: So it is a more personalised album?

Hváll: It is as the album is more of a reflective piece than what we previously have done.

Moshville Times: I reviewed your album Solverv and I thought it was a beautiful piece of art filled with melodies and harmonies. Is that something you were focusing on when writing the album?

Hváll: Yes it is but at the start of the writing process it was not really a focal point, and we were not really thinking about it. We wanted to create a black metal / atmospheric album, but when we started heading in the direction of melodies we decided to keep them.

Moshville Times: Did any other band influence any parts of the album?

Hváll: Keep of Kalessin, and our own influences as well.

Moshville Times: Speaking of Keep of Kalessin, you are touring with them at the moment. What has to be the highlight of the tour so far?

Hváll: Bergen was a really good show, as it was close to home and we had a really good time at Damnation Festival in Leeds.

Moshville Times: What are your plans after the tour?

Hváll: Sleep, eat, have some time out and in 2016 we will be touring the U.S in Spring, and we might play some festivals in the Summer.

Moshville Times: Final question, what bands are you listening to at the moment?

Hváll: Ghost

MT: They are a pretty good band!

Hváll: They are! I loved the first album, but I was not sure about the second, but the latest one is good.

Moshville Times: Thank you for your time, and enjoy the show.

Hváll: Thank you

Vreid: official | facebook | twitter | youtube

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