Mosh’s 2024 End of Year Waffle

I gave up on the "top ten of the year" format some years ago because everyone does it. Plus with so much music out there now I always felt like I would be missing someone out who deserved a mention, so instead you now get a brain dump of memories, gratitude and hope for the … Continue reading Mosh’s 2024 End of Year Waffle

Album Review: RØRY – Restoration

We usually put our album reviews up a week or so in advance of release, but I just can't sit on this one as it's just so bloody good. Out on January 31st, if you're looking for a late (very) Christmas gift then pre-order this for someone. Or yourself. Or both. I hadn't heard of … Continue reading Album Review: RØRY – Restoration

RØRY bares all on vulnerable new single and video for “One Drink Away” (tour dates also included)

Alternative artist RØRY is no stranger to vulnerability, but on latest single and music video for "One Drink Away", she bares her soul more than ever. Confronting the very raw reality that sobriety and recovery is an everyday choice, she faces the hard truth of how quick and easy it could be to lose everything … Continue reading RØRY bares all on vulnerable new single and video for “One Drink Away” (tour dates also included)

Festival Review: Slam Dunk North 2024

We’ll start with the elephant in the room. Based on accounts from people who attended last year’s Slam Dunk Festival and the string of apologies from organisers after the event, it was clear that there were several issues at the 2023 event that needed to be addressed before this year’s festival. With promises of improvements … Continue reading Festival Review: Slam Dunk North 2024

Gig Review: RØRY / Uninvited / lleo – Manchester Academy 2 (5th March 2024)

On the 6th night of RØRY‘s UK tour, Manchester Academy 2 witnessed a night that was highly conscious of mental health. Tonight’s set from TikTok sensation RØRY might not have been as musically heavy as the bands we usually cover for Moshville Times, but the evening delved into some heavy and hard-hitting subjects, including substance … Continue reading Gig Review: RØRY / Uninvited / lleo – Manchester Academy 2 (5th March 2024)