Up there with my albums of the year last year, was Fvzz Popvli's debut Fvzz Dei, so no surprise then that I was suitably stoked when I found out this Italian fuzz rock trio have belted out another album for us fuzz-addicts' insatiable thirsts. Magna Fuzz (The Great Fuzz) literally does what it says on the tin. This … Continue reading Album Review: Fvzz Popvli – Magna Fvzz
Tag: Fvzz Popvli
2017 Crew Review: Rachel Hasnip – Writer/Copy Editor
The hardest thing about writing this end of year review (as I'm sure everyone has said), is narrowing it down to my absolute favourites. To make my brain hurt less I will be choosing bands that I've reviewed personally. This has been my first full year writing for The Moshville Times and I'm utterly proud … Continue reading 2017 Crew Review: Rachel Hasnip – Writer/Copy Editor
Review: Fvzz Popvli – Fvzz Dei
When a band name sounds like my favourite guitar tone, I'm instantly attracted. When their album title Fvzz Dei literally translates as 'The Fuzz of the Gods' I'm completely sold. Fvzz Popvli are a roman fuzz rock trio who promise that their debut album will bring you into a "rough and bluesy fuzzed-out universe." Released on … Continue reading Review: Fvzz Popvli – Fvzz Dei