Band of the Day: Bearfist

Ah, Essex. Home of... well, just so I don't get into any trouble I'll just say "Home of Bearfist, today's Band of the Day". Take it away, lads... Simple things first – where are you guys from? We’re based in Chelmsford, Essex. How did you meet? Jon and Al have been in bands together for … Continue reading Band of the Day: Bearfist

Gig Review: Metal 2 The Masses London – Quinter Final 2 (6th May 2018)

[No, that's not a mis-type - there are five rounds leading to the next tier hence quinter final!] On a Sunny Sunday afternoon Metal2TheMasses London was back at The Big Red in North London with the second quinter final all-dayer. Battling it out for two places in the semi-finals this week were: Die Kur from … Continue reading Gig Review: Metal 2 The Masses London – Quinter Final 2 (6th May 2018)

Metal 2 the Masses London – Semi-final 2 (Nambucca, 16th June 2017)

Friday night saw the second semi-final of Metal to the Masses London at Nambucca.  Katie was having a well deserved mini break so she sent me, Danni, down to try and fill her big awesome shoes and cover it. Another six London-based bands fought for three places at the Metal to the Masses Grand finale … Continue reading Metal 2 the Masses London – Semi-final 2 (Nambucca, 16th June 2017)

Bloodstock 2016 – Saturday (Ross and James’s view)

Blowing the cobwebs away after Twisted Sister’s dominating performance, Black Ink Sun are Saturday’s opening band on the New Blood stage. They bring a massive sound loaded with grooves and it reminds me of Lamb of God to the point you could imagine Randy Blythe strutting across the stage. A band of that quality is … Continue reading Bloodstock 2016 – Saturday (Ross and James’s view)

#ROADTOBOA Interview: Bearfist

Here we go again... Last year we covered every band on the Hobgoblin New Blood and Jagermeister stages in the run-up to Bloodstock 2015. This year, we're going one better and aim to have interviews from all the bands on those two stages as well as all of those on the SOPHIE stage prior to the … Continue reading #ROADTOBOA Interview: Bearfist