Thunder / Terrorvision / King King – Glasgow Clyde Auditorium, 17th February 2016 [quick review]

Thunder - All You Can EatMeline will be following up with a more in-depth article [NOTE – now live!] accompanied by Gary’s photos, but I just couldn’t hold back from throwing in some words of my own after this incredible gig. Credit had to go to all three acts as well as the supporting staff for putting on a gig which – I’m sure – will still be ranking as one of the best of the year by the time we start evaluating these things again in December.

King King brought their family with them and put on a cracking, if short, set. If nothing else, it was the perfect advert for their own tour which comes through the UK in May this year. I’m surprised they didn’t plug it, but I guess all of their fans were already in the house anyway!

Terrorvision were the band I was there to see, having seen them from as long ago as the early 90’s when I was studying in Bradford. They have always been an incredible live act and, staggeringly, they have lost not one ounce of that energy in the intervening years. Frontman Tony Wright is definitely the focal point of the show and he made the most of the entire (large) stage. He is the literal personification of “dance like nobody is looking” and no surface was left unclambered-on. Whatever they’re feeding him, I want some!

Their set was near as dammit a “greatest hits” collection and for a bunch of ragamuffins from Keighley/Bradford they’ve got a surprising number of them. It has been far too long since I could bop around to “Oblivion” or sing along to “Some People Say”.

I would levy only two problems at their set – the lack of “Tequila” and the fact that for reasons I can’t understand, the tour organisers had chosen a seated venue with staff who really didn’t understand the concept of “dancing in the aisles” moving a few people on who were trying to do just that.

King King - Reaching for the LightOther than that, it made up for them insisting on scheduling their last tour while the wife and I were away on honeymoon. Please, lads, don’t wait so long to tour again. We both want to see you in a more suitable venue, and many of the people sat around us who hadn’t heard of the band before were very impressed indeed.

Thunder are one of my wife’s favourite bands, and one she’s not caught live for too long, missing their last “final” tour maybe a decade ago. I think I’ve only caught them once before, in Bradford and again back in the nineties.

Good flipping grief can they put on a show. While I only knew maybe fouror five of the fifteen tracks they played, at no point was I bored or waiting for the next one I’d heard before.

With a light show that wouldn’t have been out of place at an arena gig – no hyperbole, actual fact – and a video wall that was well used both for the intro and during songs, they powered through a lengthy set. They’re also masters at handling the crowd and frontman Danny… holy crap, can he sing. Honestly, close your eyes and it’s like listening to Backstreet Symphony the day after it was first released.

I really, really hope this isn’t another “last chance to see them” tour. This is a band that people deserve to see live, and they really should be nice enough to ensure more people get the chance.

Again, sorry to crash in before Meline’s full review, but I had such a great time I just had to get something online of my own!

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