Album Review: Ginger Wildheart & The Sinners – Ginger Wildheart & The Sinners

This one caught us on the hop as October seems to have arrived around the end of August (what happened to September?), so excuse the late review. Thing is, we just had to write one as the album is so bloody good.

Ginger is well known around these posts as being one of the world’s greatest living Geordies, and a man who has more musical projects than I have hairs on my chinny-chin-chin. The Sinners is his latest and was formed in 2019 via meeting up in the studio and drinking beer. Which is about as traditional a means of starting a bad as I’ve ever heard. While Ginger’s most obvious musical link, The Wildhearts, is hard rock with punk at its heart The Sinners are very much more country meets Quo. Arguably more radio friendly, but by no means any less enjoyable as a result.

As soon as the golden notes of “Wasted Times” wash over, the grins start. But it’s “That Smile” where the whole thing really comes to life. This is the kind of song that will have people arm in arm, singing along. If this doesn’t happen on the band’s upcoming tour then live music may as well pack its bags and retire.

The Sinners are very much an “all hands on deck” act, with Ginger not covering main vocals on every song. Recent single “Footprints in the Sand” is one of these, and it’s brilliant. With edges of The Boss coming through, Ginger could have sung this… but I honestly think that it suits Neil (Ivison – guitars) better. Certainly, it reinforces the fact that this isn’t a band to force members into single roles. If you have two people who can sing, then bloody let them.

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“Work In Progress” definitely isn’t, and sounds like a song reflecting on personal growth, typical of Ginger’s self-referential lyrics. It’s got a huge country music buzz to it, and the two frontmen bounce singing duties back and forth, as well as invite in a female guest (no idea who it is, sorry!) for the last verse. Yet another classic where the catchy-as-hell tunes lie on top of lyrics which come from the heart. “Breakout” is more stripped-back and heartfelt, and is followed by a cover of The Georgia Satellites’ “Six Years Gone”.

Remember I said that “That Smile” was a guaranteed crowd favourite? Well, they actually saved the best for last and “Code of the Road” probably tops it. It’s a lovely, silly song about “What happens on tour, stays on tour”. The whole band singing the chorus together just guarantees that the audience will do the same.

Actually, that’s the whole album in a nutshell. It’s ten tracks of utter feelgood wonderfulness. It’s the best summertime album I’ve heard in ages, and the daft buggers have released it in October.

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Ginger Wildheart & The Sinners is available now

Header image by Shirlaine Forrest

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