Album Review: Zord – Peripheria

I noticed that we had a bundle of albums sent in by bands themselves, sat in our inbox and eyeing us up as if to say “Hey, over here – we’re as good as any of those signed bands”. So I decided to take them up on their challenge and pluck out a handful for review. It’s these bands, after all, that we try our best to cover.

Zord hail from Hungary, a country which we don’t hear a lot from which is a shame. Peripheria is their third album, and the first two have been enough to net them spots at various festivals such as Rockmaraton Fest, Sziget Festival, Hegyalja Fest and SzeptemberFest in their home country.

Peripheria is a heavy album. Thrash metal with guttural vocals pour forth for each of the ten tracks, and I’m reminded more of early Sepultura or Sodom than anything else. It’s not the rhythms, more the vocal style. Musically this is at the slower end of the thrash scale, but no less brutal for it.

Zord don’t go in for wild, squealing guitar solos. This more of a down-tuned and heavy act who pummel rather than shred. Opening song “Wry” gives a good account with chugging riffs and the bass guitar twanging along in the background. The faster parts are very much drum-led and the vocals fit the music perfectly.

There are a few highlights on this collection: “H-Mob”, “Dread And Cruelty Thrive” and “Rarity Maker” hit home for me, especially the finger-blistering guitars in the latter two.

This is an interesting collection, and an impressive introduction (for me) to Zord. Now all I need to do is get to a Hungarian festival so I can see them play live!

Zord: official | facebook | twitter

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