A message from Sylosis

This would make a great album cover
This would make a great album cover

Josh from Sylosis posted the following on their facebook feed a short while ago. Please, if you’re a fan and would consider buying their merch anyway, now’s the time to pick up a t-shirt or something.

Hey guys. Josh here again and again wanting to thank everyone for their support these past few days. It’s been overwhelming.

We’re really feeling it pretty hard today and are looking like a bunch of slow, old men when we walk. Aside from the physical issues that prevent us from continuing on with the tour it has also put us in thousands of pounds worth of debt due to losing the deposit (and now paying extra) on the RV, damaged trailer, booking new flights home, equipment damage and we’re now incurring all kinds of transport/accommodation costs as we make our journey home.
The last thing we want is for people to think we’re now cashing in on the accident and taking advantage of people’s sympathy, but we need some help right now so we’ve just released two exclusive tshirts where all the profits will go towards clearing our debts. Both of the shirts are available as a pre-order.


One is the tour t-shirt (now with the majority of the dates cancelled) and the other is a brand new design we were waiting to release when we launch all our new designs in the a few months time. We like the idea of you guys helping us and actually getting something for your money but we will also accept paypal donations of any kind to:


I can’t stress enough that we do not intend to exploit the situation.

Thanks to all of you guys and the entire metal community right now for showing us so much support these past few days.

Personally, I’m just glad they’re up and about even if they are shuffling like coffin-dodgers. Better that than the alternative.

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