#RoadToBOA2018 – Pelugion

As ever, we’re going to try and cover every single Jäger, New Blood and SOPHIE stage band before Bloodstock kicks off on August 9th. Your chance to check them out and start planning which bands to get there early for!

Trust us when we tell you that this is bound to result in some frustrating clashes because, as ever, there are some great bands on these three stages.

Our thanks to all the bands for taking the time out to answer our questions!

PelugionHobgoblin New Blood Stage, Friday

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

Born and bred in Coventry!

How long have you been playing together as a band?

Been playing together for like 5 years now!

Where does the name of the band come from?

The name of the band is a weird jigsaw puzzling of two latin words (don’t ask what words, because we can’t remember).

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

The easiest way to describe our music is a kind of modern Sabbath with elements of thrash and doom stirred in.

What’s your live show like? Why are people going to watch you instead of another band?

Our live show is 1000mph, we give 100% on stage and we expect the audience to reciprocate with their energy too! Plenty of riffs, headbanging and stinkfacing is to be expected at a Pelugion live show!

Have you been to Bloodstock before? What did you think?

No, this will be our first Bloodstock for all three of us! And we really can’t wait!

Did you enter M2TM thinking you could win it? Which region did you win, or did you come through other channels?

We won the Coventry M2TM. This was our fourth year in the competition, however the first 2 years we competed in the Birmingham leg of the competition. But as there was a M2TM being held in our home city of Coventry, we thought it could only play in our favour!

What sort of setlist can we expect?

You can expect a setlist filled with twists, turns, riffs and plenty of sweaty headbanging! Like I said, we give 100%

Which other bands do you most hope you’re not squished up next to so you can see them play?

As for bands we want to see for ourselves, we are playing on the Friday so I hope we don’t clash with Feed the Rhino, Bloodbath or Suicidal Tendencies as they will all defo play a killer set! As for bands we just want to see at BOA2018 over the whole weekend, Gojira, Cannibal Corpse, Fire Red Empress, Power Trip and Mr Big are top of the list!

What are you working on at the moment?

At the moment we are working on another EP release as well as a music video, so keep an eye out for both of those!

What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?

Wildest thing we’ve done at a gig is when we performed as Jesus and his two guardian angels! Photos are on Facebook somewhere if you’re intrigued enough to look! I’m gonna add that the Angels (John and Brandon) were not wearing much!

Jäger, Hobgoblin Ale, Red Bull, Kingstone Press Cider, Kaltenberg Beer or Bulleit Bourbon? And, yes, we’ll be counting all the votes!

As for alcohol, we say yes to all. You won’t find any prejudice here…

Header image by Stagedive Photography

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