Interview: Flayed Disciple, Glasgow Audio (21st May 2014)

flayed-disciple-epHailing from Somerset and with a new EP doing the rounds, Flayed Disciple were touring with Seprevation and Bonded By Blood when Sean and I caught up with them at Glasgow’s Audio venue.

We run through a bit of their history, how they managed to win (on the second attempt!) their regional Bloodstock Metal 2 the Masses competition and what to expect from the EP.

Also, an explanation for the delay of the vinyl editions of the EP – don’t worry, it’s on its way! – and a couple of burning questions of desperate social relevance:

  • Did their original bassist actually leave to become a full time hippy?
  • Beer… or cider?

All this and more via the following player/link.

As ever, feel free to republish, spread and transcribe the interview. I only ask for full credit and a link back in return.

[download link – mp3]

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