Band of the Day: …And Silence Remains

Given that …And Silence Remains was created and recorded by Timo Wimmer, it made sense to ask him to answer our questions as well…

Simple things first ā€“ where are you from?

…And Silence Remains is based in Perth, Western Australia.

How long have you been playing?

…And Silence Remains is more a project than a band. It is the product of passion, consistency and a good proportion of willpower. I played, sung and recorded everything myself, mixed it and produced it. It only took about 10 years!

Before you get sick of being askedā€¦ where does the band name come from?

The album is a concept album that follows a storyline with one overall connecting theme. It starts with “Goetterdaemmerung” (twilight of the gods) and according to the myth it describes the destruction of all in the final battle between the forces of evil and the forces of good. Throughout the album all songs work towards the ā€˜end of allā€™ and what remains after the last ā€˜chapterā€™ is the silence. Therefore I find …And Silence RemainsĀ appropriate.

What are your influences?

I am mostly influenced by traditional metal bands from the eighties and nineties such as Iron Maiden, Metallica, Blind Guardian and last but not least Running Wild.

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

…And Silence Remains stands for ā€˜back to the rootsā€™ where Hardā€™nā€™Heavy was raw and honest. I am trying to go against the trend of commercialisation in heavy metal. I am trying to resurrect the origin and produce a genuine product.Ā  Most modern productions edit the heart and soul out of recordings to pursue perfection. A lot of bands sound artificial and over edited, most singers are interchangeable and can be replaced without anyone noticing it. All sounds the same. Give or take.

I wanted to go back to the underground sound, noticeable raw voice and a ā€˜record only what you can playā€™ mentality.Ā  When you listen to …And Silence Remains you get real music with a healthy portion of dynamic (just a fancy word for mistakes). And honestly, I believe that that approached rewarded me with an unexpected success. I never would have thought I get streamed that much.

Do you have any particular lyrical themes?

The idea was to create a concept album that takes the listeners on a journey through dark stories, dark practices, dark beliefs and darker facts. Some songs are based on legends, some are based on old practices and beliefs, some are pure fantasy and some are cold facts. Yet, all songs are connected by that darkness.

It was also important to match the lyrics with the music. I tried to create medieval feel to make the stories more appealing and believable.

Whatā€™s your live show like? How many shows have you played?

I played quite a few shows in my previous band. But with …And Silence Remains it would be quite a challenge to perform live, considering itā€™s only me. But, I am constantly looking for musicians to form a full band.

Whatā€™s the wildest thing youā€™ve seen or done at a live show?

I am a rather quite personality I’ve never worn makeup to make me look evil, never spilled fake blood on stage, don’t dress up or bite heads of bats. For me itā€™s all about the music, the passion and the love of hard n’ heavy. Thatā€™s it. I guess I donā€™t really fit in the metal stereotype, right.

What kit do you use / guitars do you play / etc.?

I am a guitarist first and therefore I start with the guitars. I record with and ESP Horizon and an Ibanez RG. But my favourite would be my custom-made double neck V2 which I made myself.

The drums are recorded with a Roland TD-25 e-drum kit, bass guitar is a Yamaha and the microphone is a Rode.

What, if anything, are you plugging/promoting at the moment?

I am promoting “Raising the Dead” at the moment. The song was inspired by a book with the same title, written by Andy Dougan. It is based on the resurrection attempts in the 18th century. Back then, doctors and scholar were attempting to bring back the dead using electricity. Mostly convicted criminals after they had been sent to death.

Fast and mean with a killer chorus. The whole song comes together beautifully. The guitars, the melodies and the lyrics. An overall fantastic song that even gets my kids humming the chorus.
Itā€™s also the most successful song according to Spotify.

What are your plans for 2020?

Currently I am working on a few cover songs which are going to be released mid-2020. After that I would love to produce and record another album.

If you were second on a three-band bill, which band would you love to be supporting and which band would you choose to open for you? A chance to plug someone you’ve toured with, or a mate’s band we’ve not heard of before!

I would love to open for Running Wild. My all-time favourite band. No-one influence me more than Running Wild. I would like to take my mates Executor as an opening act. We have been through a lot together.

…And Silence Remains: official | facebook | spotify

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