Band of the Day: Steel Trees

Time for another Band of the Day at The Moshville Times:

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

God’s country. Yorkshire (South).

How did you meet?

In a knocking shop.

How long have you been playing as a band?

8 fucking years on and off.

Before you get sick of being asked… where does the band name come from?

Dog was working for the local council scraping dog shit off footpaths and one day on his usual round of dog shit clearing there was a sign saying ‘steel trees for sale’.

What are your influences?

Everything pre-2000.

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

No one does what we do.

Do you have any particular lyrical themes?

Sex and more sex.

What’s your live show like? How many shows have you played?

Not enough.

What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?

Drunk fuck loads of wine and on the last note of the closing song, Tom projectile vomited all over the stage. The main act was called Warrior Soul, they forced us to wipe it up or they wouldn’t play.

What kit do you use / guitars do you play / etc.?

Vintage Orange amp, 1970s Lawsuit Arbiter guitar found in a loft – shoved through a fuzz pedal. Laney bass stuff, Fender precise as fuck bass. Tama drum kit – with popadoms as cymbals.

What, if anything, are you plugging/promoting at the moment?

Tour with tour brothers Pete Siby & The Beat Alls. Single “Deaf In One Eye” out on Dec 7th through These Bloody Thieves Records / Cargo.

What are your plans for 2018?

Tour then get pissed at Christmas.

If you were second on a three-band bill, which band would you love to be supporting and which band would you choose to open for you? A chance to plug someone you’ve toured with, or a mate’s band we’ve not heard of before!

Unicorn Hunters to open and we would be supporting Backstreet Boys and playing kiss cats with them backstage.

Steel Trees facebook | twitter | youtubebandcamp

Header Image: Mal Whichelow

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