Band of the Day: Dante’s Theory

It can be important to make a prominent entrance, one which turns heads and has others notice you. Clearly, this has been the attitude adopted by Singaporean death metal group Dante’s Theory towards 2018, as by way of welcoming the new year, they have released a brand new single which is quite effective at turning heads. The single, “Deconstruct”, is a testament to classic death metal; a monolithic track which demands to be listened to, vicious and brutal in all the best possible ways.

Without giving the listener so much as an opportunity to prepare themselves for the whirlwind of weighty metal about to unfold before them, “Deconstruct” erupts in to being, flooring you almost immediately. The thundering drums match the intensity of the chunky-sounding guitar riffs, sounding similar to something which a hoard of barbarian riders would listen to whilst attacking a small village (one would imagine). The repeated guitar riff which swaps between low and menacing, to a high pitched shriek only go on to emphasis this point.

There has been a real feeling of chaos tailored in to this piece, an insanity which would frighten the most hardened of sociopaths. What Dante’s Theory have, in effect, managed to achieve with “Deconstruct” is create a piece which embodies death metal, proudly showing off all of the strongest elements of one of music’s most iconic genres. You want throaty, screamed vocals? You got it. How about bass notes so deep you’ll be able to feel them in your stomach? That’s here too. A melodic, gentle love song featuring a teeny boy band? You’re in the wrong neighbourhood, my friend, because with “Deconstruct”, there is no gentle, there is no melodic, there is only death metal.

“Deconstruct” is out now and is available to download here.

Dante’s Theory: facebook | instagram | bandcamp

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