Album Review: Necrogosto – Necrogosto

The first thing you should know about Necrogosto is that they do not fuck around. This is usually the point where I might write about the second thing that you need to know, but there really is no need. No, this time, all you need to do is remember that first point before listening to Necrogosto. … Continue reading Album Review: Necrogosto – Necrogosto

EP Review: NŪR – Light Emerges

Releasing an EP or an album can be a difficult thing for a new band. A common pitfall can be that a group will be unsure how to actually start the recording in the first place, finding it difficult to get the ball rolling, if you will. No such issue faced upcoming Israeli post and … Continue reading EP Review: NŪR – Light Emerges

Album Review: The Red Coil – Himalayan Demons

After a five year hiatus, Italian doom rockers The Red Coil have returned with their second full length album, Himalayan Demons, dropping earlier this month. The quintet have come a long way since Lam, with Himalayan Demons managing to come across as a tighter, more diverse, and generally more groovy sounding album as a whole. The time away … Continue reading Album Review: The Red Coil – Himalayan Demons

Band of the Day: The Forgotten Age

The Welsh have a proud history of producing excellent musicians, the prime, and most obvious, example being every mum's favourite orange bastard Tom Jones. However, the country has far more than this overtly sexual beast for musicians, and has an impressive heavy metal heritage too, with the likes of Funeral For A Friend and Bullet … Continue reading Band of the Day: The Forgotten Age

Band of the Day: Lillye

Aussie metal outfit Lillye recently released their debut album, Evolve, from which, the band have been fairly sought after, featuring in a plethora of magazines and even on Australian heavy metal review channel The Hard Rock Show. In anticipation of the heightened attention towards Lillye, we managed to squeeze in a quick interview with the group … Continue reading Band of the Day: Lillye

Band of the Day: The Young & Restless

It's time for all you old-heads to back off, because us young ones (I'm still young, I promise) are going to talk about pop-punk, the music which shaped our adolescence. Specifically, we're here to talk about up and coming post-emo rock outfit The Young & Restless, a quartet from Northampton who are reveling in the … Continue reading Band of the Day: The Young & Restless