Band of the Day: The Lunar Effect

Another dip into the Big Pile o’ Bands today with the Sticky Oven Glove of Metal. Gummed to the tip when the filthy hand covering is withdrawn is this set of answers from The Lunar Effect. Be thankful we wiped the worst off before we published it…

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

We’re all originally from London though some of us are now based around the Essex/Hertfordshire border. It’s commonly a bit of a debate as to which side of that invisible line on the ground we decide to tell people we’re from. Usually Hertfordshire as it means we don’t get asked about Joey Essex and the rest of those oxygen thieves.

How did you meet?

Well, Jon and Dan met when Dan was born. Brett met Jon through a friend and Josh joined after answering an ad on a website for a singer who wasn’t a dick. Turns out he wasn’t lying.

How long have you been playing as a band?

The Lunar Effect has been a gigging band for about two years now, though just under a year as the current lineup. Before that it was started with Jon and Dan and then various other local musicians came and went as the band was finding its feet.

Before you get sick of being asked… where does the band name come from?

The origin of the name came out of a slight obsession with the moon and all of the elements in life that its cycles and phases had been said to affect through time. Most of them a complete falsehood, but still interesting. A lot of people often think it is because Jon has a daughter named Luna, but the band name came first and it’s spelt differently anyway so we can nip that one in the bud.

What are your influences?

Our influences are pretty varied but it’s the usual suspects really. The Beatles, Floyd, Zeppelin and Sabbath. Also some newer artists like Graveyard, Radio Moscow and Red Fang. We’re also heavily influenced by the 90s grunge scene like Nirvana and Soundgarden.

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

It could probably be best described as heavy psyche, fuzzy, riff laden juggernaut with the odd patch of slow burning grooves. All with the soaring vocals of Josh which really just ties everything together.

Do you have any particular lyrical themes?

There are a few. The last EP, Strange Lands, had a fairly common thread throughout. The album we’re working on now we cover the classics; women, drugs, women on drugs, demon seductress soul stealing women, trivial existences, crippling pain and yeah, the classics.

What’s your live show like? How many shows have you played?

The four of us playing some dirty, fuzzy, groovy tunes and overpriced beer. Not sure how many exactly but we try to book at least one a month but try and play as much as we can to test out new material.

What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?

We had one show where a random Swedish guy stood right in front of us playing an inflatable guitar and singing completely out of time and adding extra harmonies to the end of songs.

What kit do you use / guitars do you play / etc.?

Dan uses Gretsch drums. Jon will usually play either a Fender Tele with humbuckers or currently a Jazzmaster depending on the tuning of the song through a Peavey valve amp. Brett uses a couple of 70s Japanese lawsuit Jazz basses through an Ampeg. Josh uses the gift he was born with and his natural charisma.

What are your plans for the rest of 2017 into 2018?

Currently it’s to finish recording our new record and get that out hopefully before the end of the year. Preferably in time for the Christmas rush. Also to try and get a video done to go with it and to just keep on gigging and trying to build a bigger following.

If you were second on a three-band bill, which band would you love to be supporting and which band would you choose to open for you? A chance to plug someone you’ve toured with, or a mate’s band we’ve not heard of before!

That is a tough one. If we’re talking about bands currently around then we’d probably say someone like Graveyard, Radio Moscow or maybe The Raconteurs. Possibly QOTSA if they don’t play anything off the new album. If it’s any band from history it’d likely be Led Zeppelin or Sabbath. Can we throw Stillwater in there as well from the film Almost Famous? As for a friends band to open The Muffinheads are a high energy punk rock sort of thing who we’ve played with a few times or maybe Lords Lumber who has some cool tracks.

The Lunar Effect: facebook | twitter | bandcamp

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