New Band of the Day (1): Terraform

Terraform - Exodus
Terraform – Exodus

The first of two posts in this category today as I correct a cockup from last year where I did one band twice!

Terraform (UK – I assume there’s another one out there in some other country) are based in Birmingham and are purveyors of prog. As far as I can tell, they don’t have a full official website, so I’m struggling to get a lot of info on them.

The one track I can find on YouTube and BandCamp is their current single “Paradox”, the first release from their album Exodus. Their style is pretty heavy prog with death-style vocals. It’s to-tappingly good, to be honest, and the blend of melodic, dark and widdly sections works well.

I keep saying in articles that I don’t like prog that much, and then I always go on to say that “actually, these guys are pretty good”. I’m going to do it again. Dammit.

As ever, give them a listen, visit their other online presences and – if you like their stuff – buy it or go and see them live! They’re touring in January so might be around near you.

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