Very much a genuinely new band today. Well, new-ish. Kinda new. Young, anyway.
Allusondrugs are five “fuzz junkies” from Leeds (of you read the profile on SoundCloud) or Castleford (if you read their official bio). Either way, West Yorkshire to you. By ‘eck, on Ilkley Moor and all that.
They play an alternative grunge bass-heavy style of rock which should appeal to those who like Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Soundgarden, etc. Some decent stuff from such a young outfit who currently have one single (“Plasters”) out, and a double A-side (“Fruit” and “MyCat” – I don’t think they’re aware of the invention of the space) imminent.
The official release date is November 11th, with only 100 CDs being pressed. If you want a physical copy, you’ll have to head to Jumbo or Crash in Leeds (I remember them being the places you went to buy gig tickets before the internet was invented). If you don’t live in the area, or are too lazy to drag your fat arse into town, you can pick them up via bandcamp (as well as the digital release) or iTunes.
Check ’em out. They’re a different scene. Man.
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