New Band of the Day: Gross Reality

Gross Reality

I hear “Raleigh” and I think about the bikes I got when I was a kid. Or the dipshit that introduced tobacco to the western world. As it happens, this particular gentleman of the Elizabethan era had a town named after him in 1792. That town is in what is now North Carolina, it’s the state capital and the second largest city there.

It’s also home to Gross Reality, a band that formed back in 1990. Then called it a day in 1996. Then decided to start buggering about again in 2009, to finally have an album in the can and due for release soon.

Any band that describes themselves as “thrash as fuck” deserves a listen and Gross Reality won’t disappoint. They have four tracks available to stream / download on ReverbNation and they’re really very good indeed.

Well produced, nice thumping bass to back the flurried guitar solos and clear vocals. Decent lyrics, too – definitely a band with a bit of maturity about them. Letting the sounds float around me, I’m reminded of early Anthrax meets… Sodom. Yeah, that just about sounds right.

Give ’em a listen then give ’em some lurv on their facefart page.

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