In case you didn’t know (get out from under that rock!) we’re hosting a third stage at Wildfire this year on the Saturday and Sunday. Just to make sure you know what mouthwatering musical delights are heading your way, we’ll be featuring a profile of each of “our” bands in the runup!
Wildfire is held at Wiston Lodge, about 30 mins south of Glasgow, from June 23rd to 25th and tickets can be purchased from the official website.
From: Glasgow
Playing: Sunday, 12.40
According to their Facebook page, Burning The Dream are “a progressive metal band from Glasgow, Scotland on the more extreme end of the progressive scale with flashes of death, thrash, metalcore and nu metal influences. We have an album’s worth of songs just ready to go and they will be recorded just as soon as we have that evasive combination of time and, more challenging, money”.
I caught Burning The Dream supporting Bloodthread recently and for that event Paul, the vocalist, was unfortunately taken ill with the band to their credit, playing an instrumental set that still got the crowd moving. Burning The Dream played Wildfire last year and did not hesitate to say yes to playing this year’s festival. I caught up with Paul Kelly, who has extra motivation to play this festival this year and had this to say…
Could you give us readers at Moshville Times a brief history of the band and how you came together?
Well now, Richy and Iain were both founding members way back in the day, I think it was 2011 or 2012 or something like that, but I think it’s fair to say the band came together with a solid 5-man line-up in 2014 once Ro and myself joined. At the time The General (Richy) was on guitar and backing vocals and we were doing not bad but once the drummer of the time decided to part ways with us to spend more time with his family we came to the conclusion that a guitarist is easier to find and replace than a drummer, at least one of real quality anyway. So with Richy being a disgustingly talented arsehole, who we all hate with a bitter passion because of it, we decided it’d be best that he move onto the kit and ‘lo and behold we had Greigy-poo join us. He was already a pal… of someone I suppose, fuck knows who or how… and we’d played alongside his other band, Of One Blood, a bunch times so once he expressed interest in joining we decided it was much less hassle than looking for someone we could actually tolerate. We regret the decision to this day but we’re nothing if not stubborn so he’s still here.
How would you describe Burning the Dream and who would you say are your major influences?
That question every band struggles to answer huh? And truth be told I think we’re even harder to nail down than most. A big-ass metal publication once described us as being like “Lamb Of God on speed” and I believe it was your good selves at Moshville Time who reviewed our last gig supporting Blood Thread’s EP launch, yeah? The lads played a belting instrumental set since I was busy in an ambulance on my way to hospital (I had really bad sand in my vagina or something), but I do believe you made reference to both Meshuggah and Gojira – we’ll definitely happily take both those comparisons you smooth playas.
What should the Wildfire crowd expect from a Burning the Dream show?
As if we ever even know! We like to think we’re pretty alright, you know, so between our songs, some stupid shit I’ll say, Greig’s wee spinny doodah he does, Richy’s facial expressions, Ro’s monkey-spanking-inspired slapping and Iain – being Iain – I’d say that what’s for sure is you won’t fucking forget us in a hurry. YOU DIG?!
You played Wildfire last year. How was that show for you guys?
Fucking incredible, man. The whole weekend was utterly stellar from start to finish and we’re utterly buzzing to do it all again. From what I understand we can expect something of an upgrade on the stage this time, though that scout hall certainly had its charms.
Are there any bands on the bill that you are looking forward to watching as well?
You’d have to be a single-digit IQ clown to miss Triverse Massacre on the Friday, same goes for Wearing Scars. Given the stylistic nature of the Moshville stage on the Sunday that’s obviously what will probably appeal to us most so every band that day but part of the fun of these festivals is discovering bands you’d otherwise not have encountered! So I’ll be a fence-sitting fuck and say the lot! That’s a politician’s answer right there, bitch.
Are you going to be releasing any new material in the near future?
We’ve been saying “Yes” forever now, it seems, but legit it is coming and coming very, very soon! Lube up your earholes… you don’t want us going in dry.
What lies ahead for Burning the Dream for the remainder of 2017?
Well after Wildfire we have Sunk Fest down in Hull, another fantastic festival that I highly recommend anyone checks out, but other than that we’ll pick up the gigs where and we can and get this EP finally crushing some souls beneath our mighty girths. By which I mean beer bellies.
Cheers, Paul (vocals)
So there you have it. They are sure to have fun as much as tearing you a new one on stage at Wildfire. Final word to Burning the Dream:
And finally… but also sorta first… Wildfire Festival! We had one of the best weekends of our collective old-ass lives last year playing this and fortunately we get to return to Scotland’s largest rock and metal festival! Come along, we’ll touch you if you don’t… we’ll touch you if you do… so just turn up here, make it easy for us and get it over and done with. Like ripping off a sexy bandaid.
Get your tickets at for as little as a single golden pound!*Peace out, bitches.
*If you’re under 12, still a good deal for all you decrepit fuckers too, NAH’MEAN?!
Nothing more to be said is there?
Burning The Dream: facebook | twitter | bandcamp | bigcartel