Brisbane alt-metal trio Torizon release two new singles

We featured Torizon some time ago as a Band of the Day, and we just heard back from them recently as they have two new songs doing the rounds. They're fronted by the awesome Mish who works in PR and helps other bands get their music out there. So it's only fair that we help her … Continue reading Brisbane alt-metal trio Torizon release two new singles

Band of the Day: Torizon

A week on since we premiered their brand spanking new video for "Burning Away", Brisbane belters Torizon gave us a bit more info about themselves and their music... Simple things first – where are you guys from? Brisbane, Australia. How did you meet? It started with friends getting together to write some music and record … Continue reading Band of the Day: Torizon

Exclusive Premiere: Torizon release single / video “Burning Away” highlighting climate change

Australian alt-rockers Torizon are back with their heaviest track yet, "Burning Away". Opening the song with “We could do so much more without you” sends a clear message of urgent action underpinned with frustration. Vocalist Mish explains: 2020 has been a challenging year on a global scale. Starting with the Australian Bushfire Crisis which took … Continue reading Exclusive Premiere: Torizon release single / video “Burning Away” highlighting climate change