Review: InsaniteR – Half Faces

[avatar user="Mosh" size="50" align="left" /]Always nice to revisit a former Band of the Day to find they've got something new out. I recently had a shout from InasniteR's Petros to let me know that they've just released another bundle of songs under the title Half Faces. Well, to be precise, he has released another bunch of songs … Continue reading Review: InsaniteR – Half Faces

Band of the Day: InsaniteR

Not a lot to go on with InsaniteR, but I'll tell you what I can. They're a three-piece thrash outfit from Kos, Greece and were formed in October 2011. They've made it their mission in life to release as much stuff as they can and they've not done a bad job over the last three … Continue reading Band of the Day: InsaniteR