Sunday Video Roundup: Nightwish, Fraser Edwards, Doomsday Outlaw, Our Hollow Our Home

You're reading this as I take my first day off the site in... erm... a year or two? Making sure you're not going without, though, here's a pre-scheduled quartet of music to tide you over until youre back enjoying work again tomorrow! Nightwish - "Stargazers (live in Tampere)" Another track from the forthcoming Vehicle of Spirit … Continue reading Sunday Video Roundup: Nightwish, Fraser Edwards, Doomsday Outlaw, Our Hollow Our Home

Fraser Edwards releases short film detailing new “I Am God” album

British power metaller guitarist Fraser Edwards, who is known for his work with Ascension and the children's rock band Sharky Sharky, has released a short film where he adds some insight on his new album, I Am God. The band's vocalist and YouTube sensation Per Fredrik "Pellek" Asly has been touring with Dragonforce. Edwards comments … Continue reading Fraser Edwards releases short film detailing new “I Am God” album

Thursday Video Roundup: A Thousand Horses, Summer Lake Heroes, Kamikaze Girls, Fraser Edwards

Four more new videos to brighten up that cloudy Thursday with. Or enjoy in the sunshine. I'm writing this on Tuesday so I've no idea what the weather's like. Just run with it. A Thousand Horses - "Southernality" First up is a blast of country rock, and a bloody good blast it is, too. In the … Continue reading Thursday Video Roundup: A Thousand Horses, Summer Lake Heroes, Kamikaze Girls, Fraser Edwards