[More pics of both bands in the following Flickr sets: Triptycon and Cannibal Corpse] This was a 4-band show with Job For A Cowboy and Enslaved making up the "Destroyers of the Faith". However, with a 6:30 door opening and (unbeknownst to us) a bloody club night on, it meant a really early start for … Continue reading Cannibal Corpse / Triptykon – Glasgow O2 ABC
Tag: Death metal
Oldie but Goldie: Pestilence – Testimony of the Ancients
Number two in my occasional little “ooh, I forgot how good this album is” series is Testimony of the Ancients by Dutch band Pestilence. I’ve got it on my phone and it gets regular plays in the car. The history behind the band and album is interesting. Without repeating too much of the Wikipedia entry … Continue reading Oldie but Goldie: Pestilence – Testimony of the Ancients