Thursday Video Roundup: CreTura, The Agonist, Northlane, Aaron Keylock

Thursday, ah. Another long week is drawing to a close. Let's celebrate with a quartet of noisy videos! CreTura - "Northern Winds" Northern Winds' Fall of the Seventh Golden Star Tour 2016 took place in October with their friends in Fairy (NO) and Human Desolation (SWE). Here they share some endless adventures from life on … Continue reading Thursday Video Roundup: CreTura, The Agonist, Northlane, Aaron Keylock

Thursday Video Roundup (Banshee, CreTura, Midnight Eternal, FOES)

It's almost the (long) weekend and what better way to celebrate than by banging your head to some choice tunes? Let the banging begin... Banshee - "Say My Name" When I popped this lot up as Band of the Day a short while ago I mentioned that I'd get the video for "Say My Name" … Continue reading Thursday Video Roundup (Banshee, CreTura, Midnight Eternal, FOES)