The captivating collective of Zeal & Ardor returns with their newest creation, Grief, inspired by an annual tradition in Manuel’s hometown of Basel, Switzerland. A mythical hybrid creature parades through the streets for the children in the symbolism of Basel’s working people baulking at the oppressive elite on its other side.
Immediately from the outset, album cover aside the album immediately grabs the listener’s attention as even though the opener “The Bird, The Lion and the Wildkin” contains that familiar blues drawl with wonderful electronics and and course backdrop of heaviness which flows into the urgent nature of “Fend You Off”.
“Kilonova” has a wonderful hypnotic tone to it with some nostalgic grunge-like grooves which continues into the acoustic blend of “Are You The Only One Now?” there is a slight difference though as there is a frantic undertone to this that is particularly noteworthy.
“Go Home My Friend” has an absolute earworm but soundscapes that remind me of the original Candyman movie, which is then nicely followed by the dark, brooding almost industrial in its delivery on “Clawing Out”.
There is a disjointed nature to “Disease” that comes through before there is an almost intermission-like piece “369” whilst “Thrill” picks up the mantle as the album’s biggest earworm. Yet again another dynamic on “Une Ville Vide” with a mix of electronic and reminiscent of chiptune and is almost a tune for an Amiga 500 game I had always wanted to play.
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Delving into almost a nu-metal melting pot is “Sugarcoat” which is paired with the stark piano-laden delivery of “Solace”. The penultimate offering “Hide in Shade” picks up the earlier groove with a slab of visceral vocals for good measure before concluding with a smooth send-off in the form of “To My Ilk”. This album is just wave upon wave of professional experimentalism.
Decamping to Marc’s studio Hutch Sounds in Switzerland, the record came to life in just five months. The frontman adds:
We’ve really evolved into a tight-knit unit Before Zeal & Ardor, we were basically strangers, but we’re like a little family now. Each member brings his own unique flavour to the mix, and we all try to make Manuel’s songs better in our own way. The most interesting part for me was the new approach of how we work together in the studio.
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Grief is released 23rd August
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