Nashville Pussy announce Edinburgh date

Nashville Pussy embarked on a Summer European/UK Tour kicking off in August and they land in the Scottish capital on November 23rd 2018. Frontman Blaine Cartwright claims the band have been given the highest of blessings:

It’s official! Colonel Sanders approves the Euro Summer Tour and ‘Give ‘em Hell’ he says!

Watch them live at Resurrection fest, playing, ‘Go Motherfucker Go’ to get a feel for their hard-hitting southern rock.

The gig takes place at La Belle Angele and kicks off at 6:45pm, finishing at 10pm. Note that this is an 18+ venue. Support comes from two local acts, Anaxor and Tantrum.

  • Advance Tickets online: £8 (plus bf) for students and £10 (plus bf) general admission
  • Tickets on the door: £11 for Students and £13 for general admission

Tickets available online from skiddle and Tickets Scotland.

Nashville Pussy

Hailing from Atlanta, Georgia this dirty rock foursome are landing on Scottish soil this winter as part of their 2018 European/ UK tour. After nearly twenty years in the pussy game, they are proving to only get better with time and their energetic live shows have been talked about on a global scale. After last years extensive European tour, playing some big name festivals including France’s mighty Hellfest, they are back for more. This time around they will be destroying La Belle Angele in Edinburgh with the sounds of Southern Fried Metal. Make sure you don’t miss out on a night of pure greasy pleasure, oh… and don’t forget your trucker hat.


Local Edinburgh four piece Anaxor play hard and they play heavy. The newly spawned band includes members of The Exploited, Dog Tired, Lucifers Corpus and together have created their own melodic, riff-heavy sound. The band have also said this about their music: “Imagine if Grand Magus had horrendous sex with Black Sabbath whilst Ronnie James Dio jumped in for a rainbow quickie. This is what Anaxor create.” They are currently working on their first EP and with an introduction like that we can only wonder what their live show entails.


Reliving the 80’s and another relatively new Scottish support act, formed in 2016, is Tantrum. Tantrum claim they settled on the current line-up and set about bringing traditional British heavy metal back to a public force fed on a diet of sanitised radio rock! Staunch believers in the old gods of metal, Tantrum blend hard hitting machine gun drums and pulsating, heart beating bass with screaming twin lead guitars and acrobatic vocal histrionics, all firing together to create anthemic metal crowd pleaser’s you’ll be singing for days! So strap on your leopard print and get to the front of the stage for a high intensity show.

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