Pre-Bloodstock interview: Morass of Molasses

Bloodstock Morass of Molasses 192Due to the huge number of bands playing at Bloodstock this year, and the fact that our two roving reporters will actually want to watch some of them, we’re doing a little round of pre-festival interviews this year. We’re focussing on the bands playing the Jagermeister and Hobgoblin New Blood Stages so they get a chance to convince you to go and watch them. Remember, these guys and gals are the future of our musical world!

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

We all live in or around Reading, UK.

How did you meet?

A chance encounter at a gig, which lead to a jam, which in turn lead to the band as we know it.

How long have you been playing together as a band?

We met and starting playing properly just under two years ago.

Where does the name of the band come from?

It is a reference to the Boston Molasses Disaster which occurred on January 15, 1919.

What are your influences – individually or as a band?

From the past; bands like Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Free. More recently; Tool, The Sword and Elder.

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

Sludgy, swampy, Heavy Stoner Rock. The songs have a dynamic depth musically, rhythmically and lyrically.

What’s your live show like? How many shows have you played?

Unpredictable, sometimes offensive, but always entertaining. To date we have played 78 shows.

When/how did you find out you’d been selected to play at Bloodstock?

We first heard about two months before via an email from Simon Hall.

What sort of setlist can we expect?

We will be playing a mix of songs off our first EP and new songs for the album we are recording this summer.

Which main stage band do you most hope you’re not clashing with so you can see them play?

Probably Rob Zombie.

What are you working on at the moment?

In our immediate future we have the vinyl release of the EP, and the pre-production for our Debut album. Beyond that much more touring, hopefully including Europe.

What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done on tour?

Nothing that every other touring band hasn’t done a 1000 times!

What advice would you give to a young band just starting out today?

Rehearse lots, work hard, play shows and make friends.

If you could be part of any 3-band line-up (as support or headlining) who else would you have on the bill?

Our dream lineup would have to involve Elder and Tool.

Morass of Molasses play the Jagermeister Stage on Saturday

Morass of Molasses: facebook | bandcamp | youtube

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