We love Slayer here. Almost in the creepy, stalker-y, restraining order kind of way. Not so much that we get precious, though. The fact that we have a whole section of the site devoted to cover versions says that we welcome them, but they have to be decent.
Thankfully, Creepshow have done a more than good job with one of Slayer’s earlier numbers. Imagine “Spill The Blood”, but made more Halloween than it already was. That’s what we have here and it’s spine-chillingly delightful! The band’s own words follow…
Join Uncle Death and his Creepettes as they take you back to an eerie night in 1988! Enjoy an old school onslaught of D-beat terror! Soaked in a magical bile of synthesizers and good old fashioned wails from the great beyond, Creepshow takes Spirit Halloween by storm with their horrific rendition of “Spill the Blood” by the mighty Slayer!
Savor this tribute to the undisputed kings of Satanic thrash on all major platforms and stay tuned for more tales of terror in the early part of 2023.
Guitarist and (de)composer, CadaVeronica says, “The song ‘Spill the Blood’ is the absolute most underrated Slayer track with the best lyrical inspiration- that being Hellraiser. At least I think it’s about Hellraiser… if not, it should be. It’s almost a ballad, so it isn’t at the top of people’s lists, but the atmosphere is top notch. Perfect for us to come in and add our spin to it! *finger guns*”
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Cover art: Julian Walter
Check out our Classic Covers playlists from 2021 onwards
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[…] (who did a cracking version of Slayer’s “Spill the Blood” in 2022). send special thanks to Digestor & Cremator of Ghoul (Official) for their unholy […]