Headline Act: Foxhaunt

As the winter months roll in and the claws of cold start to bite, here’s a band that’ll warm you right up! Check out their video at the end to see what I mean…

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

York, UK.

How did you meet?

We met through mutual friends and a good old website called joinmyband.co.uk. Ollie randomly put an advert up as he was looking for a band and Thom found him there. The line-up then developed into what it is now!

How long have you been playing as a band?

3-4 years if you count the pandemic…

Before you get sick of being asked… where does the band name come from?

When we get asked this, we wish we had some wacky story about how we came up with the name, but our singer Ollie came into band practice one day and said he thought of the name Foxhaunt because of playing round with animal names and logos. We all just agreed and carried on playing, it was that easy.

What are your influences?

We all love bands like Linkin Park, Bring Me The Horizon, Alexisonfire, Don Broco and many many more. But then a lot of us listen to other genres as well, which maybe others aren’t into as much which adds so much more cool elements to the song writing.

Describe your music. What makes you unique? 

Our music is full of pure energy and catchy riffs! We have melodic hooks which everyone can sing along to at a live show. Our songs are for that live setting where everybody’s singing along, moshing and just having a great time.

Where we talk about those catchy hooks and riffs… you could say that every band has that. But for us, we add that Foxhaunt sauce of raw emotion and alt vibes to our songs! We’ve all grown up with those similar bands and then bring those influences together. We want to show people that us Yorkshire folk are heading full send into the Alternative Rock scene with everything we’ve got and really hope people like what they hear.

If you like what we do, consider joining us on Patreon for as little as £1 per month!

Do you have any particular lyrical themes?

It’s hard not to write about the last few years with everything that’s gone on in the world. Some of our lyrics come from those battles that you have in your head and with yourself. Some lyrics are about those day to day relationships and situations you find yourself in and how to cope with them. Our lyrics are very relatable and we feel that this goes a long way.

What’s your live show like?

Our live shows from the second we go on stage are hugely energetic! We involve the crowd as much as we can and from start to finish, we aim to leave a mark on people. Maybe it was a certain chorus or catchy riff that’s stuck in someone’s head.

How many shows have you played?

We’ve played quite a few now somewhere between 30 & 40?! A huge highlight for us was getting to play with Emarosa, one of those influences and bands we listen to.

What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?

The wildest thing I’ve ever seen at a show was at a Rise Against show, and Tom Morello supported them and he started to play a guitar solo with his teeth. Mind blown.

What kit do you use / guitars do you play / etc.?

I am the drummer and I use a Pearl kit with a Sabian Splash cymbal. Sabian crash cymbals and 2 zildjian China cymbals. Plus a tasty iron cobra double kick pedal.

Guitar wise we’re currently on a Reverend Double Agent OG & a Fender Jazz Bass.

What, if anything, are you plugging/promoting at the moment?

Our debut EP which is called Mindset is coming out February 4th 2022! The first single off that EP is out now and it’s called “Monster”. You need to go check this one out, it has a huge energetic sound and captivates the upcoming release.

Don’t fancy Patreon? Buy us a one-off beverage!

What are your plans for the next 6 months or so?

The EP comes out in Feb so we want to be touring as much as we can, playing and promoting the release that we have spent the last year working on. We are so excited for what the future brings especially with the return of live music.

If you were second on a three-band bill, which band would you love to be supporting and which band would you choose to open for you?

A dream for me personally would be to have Alexisonfire headlining, Foxhaunt as main support, and We Are The Ocean opening. Two of my favourite bands. But as a whole band we would love to be main support for Bring Me The Horizon and have Don Broco opening! It would be insane to be sandwiched between those two amazing bands.

Go check out a band called Led By Lanterns, great friends of ours! And every song is a banger! Trust me.

Check out 2021’s Headline Act Playlist on Spotify and YouTube

Foxhaunt: facebook | twitter | instagram | spotify | youtube | bigcartel

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