Headline Act: Death Cult Electric

Death Cult Electric got in touch a while ago, wanting to tell us all about themselves. Then they got busy doing the whole “being locked up” thing (not illegally, for health and stuff) and are now ready to let us know what they’ve been up to!

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

We’re based in Cardiff. Three of us are originally from Llanelli in West Wales and the other one is a rogue Londoner.

How did you meet?

The Welsh members met through the education system and the Londoner was a friend of a friend who started living in the same house as Steffan (Lead Vocals, guitar).

How long have you been playing as a band?

Our first gig was two years ago almost to the day that I’m answering this question, it was small rock festival in Birmingham. I remember it fondly.

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Before you get sick of being asked… where does the band name come from?

I’m not entirely sure, I must’ve missed that meeting. I think the general idea of the name is that it combines something sinister sounding with something a bit fun and disco sounding. It’s not too scary but it’s not too funny either.

What are your influences?

Everything from ABBA to Death Metal. Films, books, the news. Anything that gets stuck in our head can come out in the music. We’ve been messing around with guitar tones and effects a lot recently which can influence what/how you write.

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

We’ve spent a lot of time scratching our heads when it comes to describing the music. It’s hard to fit into a genre which has been a hindrance when it comes to trying to grow a fanbase. When it’s come to getting coverage we’ve been told we’re too heavy for some and not heavy enough for others. Dystopian Fuzz Rock has been thrown around which I quite like and hate simultaneously.

Do you have any particular lyrical themes?

Our latest releases have a similar theme lyrically. They explore egotism. “Deleter” which came out last year, was about ordering everyone to erase everything they thought they knew about everything and bow to the feet of Death Cult Electric. Obviously we don’t actually think like that but it just so happens to be the greatest song ever written. The latest track, “The Fineprint”, is told from the point of view of a corrupt politician spouting incomprehensible boasts who ultimately gets in over his head.

What’s your live show like? How many shows have you played?

The live show is organised chaos. Our set is pretty well rehearsed but paradoxical in the sense that things will fall apart by design. We were gigging relatively regularly before everything came to halt. Our last show was February 2020 then everything we had in the pipeline got cancelled. I couldn’t come up with a number off the top of my head.

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What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?

Steff had a dramatic episode once where he couldn’t hear himself sing onstage so believing that he sounded awful to the audience just decided to go crazy. He was pulling all kind of shapes, throwing himself around the stage, we even thumb wrestled at one point. He wanted to give the audience a show to compensate for his vocals but we watched footage of the gig afterwards and he sounded fine. It was on New Years’ Eve so his judgement might have been altered.

What kit do you use / guitars do you play / etc.?

The gear keeps changing! We’re always on a constant quest to find bizarre and exciting guitar tones. I’m sure by now we’ve tried every fuzz pedal going on, and we’re always looking for more, favourites at the moment are Dr Scientist fuzz, Plasma Pedal and Behringer Superfuzz. At one point we were gigging with 3 battered Peavey Bandits from the 80’s, they’ve been retired now (except for bass).

We’ve also been experimenting with guitar tones straight into the PA system/mixing desk. There’s also a battered vintage Premier drumkit, six wah wah pedals although only two are in use. Les Pauls, telecasters etc.. We’ll use anything if it sounds cool!

What, if anything, are you plugging/promoting at the moment?

Our latest single, “The Fineprint”! Check it out on YouTube, Spotify etc.. Trash-man Shankland (bass) made the music video and it’s a tour de force of trippy, somewhat disturbing and hypnotic imagery. It’ll make or ruin your day.

What are your plans for the next 6 months or so?

“The Fineprint” is just the start, we’re planning to release a new track every month or so with even more disturbing music videos to accompany them.

If you were second on a three-band bill, which band would you love to be supporting and which band would you choose to open for you? A chance to plug someone you’ve toured with, or a mate’s band we’ve not heard of before!

Exit International would headline and Brooders would open. I implore you to check both these guys out if you dig our stuff and you hate your eardrums.

Check out this month’s Headline Act Playlist on Spotify and YouTube

Death Cult Electric: official | facebook | twitter | instagram | bandcampspotify | youtube

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