Band of the Day: Spring.Fall.Sea

A band with a very mixed international background for you today, all the way from… Well, we’ll let them tell you!

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

Hi Moshville Times, thanks for this interview! That is probably one of the harder questions for us to answer!

Spring.Fall.Sea is a London based band. We all live here. Our vocalist Alex (Ekong) was born here, Dylan (Percy, drummer) was born near Brighton and grew up in France and Marvin (Menz, guitar) is from Germany. The band started in Bangkok almost four years ago, that’s where Dylan and Marvin met. But we’ve all been living in London for the last two years, it’s home to us!

How did you meet?

Dylan was studying sound engineering at SAE Bangkok and Marvin was a bartender at a bar that Dylan used to visit regularly. That’s how the two of them met. A mutual friend of theirs asked both of them to play music for her birthday and that’s how the whole journey started.

Alex joined the band after we decided to move the project to London! He had just moved back from Birmingham and was looking to join a band. He name dropped all the bands that we were into, so we asked him to meet us and the rest is history.

How long have you been playing as a band?

Since 2015, four years now. Wow, time flies! We have fulfilled a lot of dreams in that time. It still feels like we’re just starting out though, the music is always changing. Especially right now with our UK debut coming up it feels like we’re a brand new band! It’s exciting!

Before you get sick of being asked… where does the band name come from?

Spring.Fall.Sea describes the journey of a river. It’s a metaphor for something that starts small and builds into something massive. That’s our sound too really, we love huge build ups! And ultimately it’s a pertinent metaphor for life, too.

What are your influences?

Our lowest common denominator is punk and metal. That flows through all of our music – not so much the sound but the energy. We always write songs that release energy and that you can bang your head to. Aside of that, we listen to so much different music, it’s hard to pinpoint something. Electronic sounds, textures and vibes play a huge role in our songs.

We love rhythms. We always try to make it sound big and harmonic. People often come up to us and tell us “you remind me of this or that band”, most of the time they name bands we’ve never heard of. Which is really cool, it’s hard to put us in any real genre.

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

We sound heavy but friendly. We sound epic but careful. Last week we played with a jazz band, next week we co-headline with a soul act and our music is in Spotify’s ‘New Punk Tracks’ playlist, that’s how far the spectrum spreads.

Do you have any particular lyrical themes?

All the lyrics on our UK debut EP Time + Tide fit into the wider theme of the proverb ‘time and tide waits for no man’. “The processes of nature continue, no matter how much we might like them to stop”, that’s the dictionary definition. Every song is about change one way or another.

What’s your live show like? How many shows have you played?

We have played almost 200 shows in 20 countries in the last 4 years. That’s too many to generalise. Live shows are so dependent on the audience, too. And we have played to so many different audiences, probably more than most bands ever play to.

Recently our shows are a lot of dancing and singing along, both by us and the audience. We try to get everyone involved and we always give it our all. It’s a lot of sweat. We’ve been blessed with good vibes lately.

What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?

We played a show in Atlanta in context of our North American tour in 2017. During the opening band’s set some guy came in and threw printed letters at the guys on stage. They immediately dropped everything and started chasing the guy, who fled out in the parking lot. Next thing we know everyone is fighting and punching each other. They had a disagreement and knew each other before and it escalated during that show. For us it was wild. America was wild in general.

What kit do you use / guitars do you play / etc.?

The only piece of equipment we can’t live without is our guitar. We use a limited edition Mexican Fender ‘Cabronita’ Telecaster, that’s our sound. That’s the only thing we bring everywhere, aside of that we can make it happen on any equipment really.

What, if anything, are you plugging/promoting at the moment?

Our UK debut EP Time + Tide will be released in September this year. We’ve just released the second single of the record called ‘Strangers’, go check it out! The music video has been shot by Matty from Clearway Media, he’s doing so many amazing vibes with cool artists at the moment. And our sound was done by Shane Edwards, who worked with The Libertines and Hans Zimmer before and produced the last couple Trophy Eyes records.

What are your plans for 2019?

Release the EP, tour and play as many shows as possible and create more!

If you were second on a three-band bill, which band would you love to be supporting and which band would you choose to open for you? A chance to plug someone you’ve toured with, or a mate’s band we’ve not heard of before!

I think we can agree that we would love to open for Enter Shikari. That’s one band all three of us love to death! If we could bring a band anywhere with us it would probably be our friends in Snarg. We’ve toured with them three times now, they are the best people and their music is amazing!

Spring.Fall.Sea: facebook | twitter | instagram | spotify

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