Band of the Day: Bad Blood Recovery

Some bluesy stoner rock from the shires is next up for our Band of the Day:

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

We are scattered across the counties of Oxfordshire, Warwickshire and Buckinghamshire.

How did you meet?

We all moved in the same musical arena, playing in bands in and around the Oxford scene. Sean and Alex were playing in a band together previously, as were Jimmy and Dave, even sometimes playing on the same bill. But as always happens with these things, bands and the relationships entwined within them come to an end. A year or so later a mutual friend, who was recording an album at the time, asked Sean to do a guest vocal on a track for which Jimmy was recording/engineering.

Sean and Jimmy then got into deep discussions about various influences and it came to light, they both shared the same passion for bands inspired by the Blues, such as Howling Wolf, Muddy Waters in their later electric period, but also bands like the Melvins, particularly in the “History of Bad Men” period – this then led to the inevitable question of getting together for a jam one evening. Months later Alex (drums), Ed (rhythm guitar) and Dave (bass) were well and truly part and parcel of what was soon to become BBR.

How long have you been playing as a band?

About 4 years.

Before you get sick of being asked… where does the band name come from?

Sean had bladder cancer, so Bad Blood Recovery sounded right.

What are your influences?

So many – when we are together rehearsing, we reference bands and artists ranging from Slayer to Elvis, Free, Clapton, The Doors, Monster Magnet, Kyuss, Melvins, The Bronx, Scott Walker, the list goes on. This is what we feel makes the band interesting, the ability to throw all of that into the songwriting pot and seeing what comes out!

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

It’s our interpretation of death blues! (Our Guru at Future Noise Recordings used that phrase).

Do you have any particular lyrical themes?

Life, cancer, prescription drugs, love, goddesses, riots and faith healers are what’s been on offer so far recording wise!

What’s your live show like? How many shows have you played?

Under 10 to date, but we want to play many more. What’s our live show like? In one word LOUD – Sean is the central focus of our show, which you would expect! We are not a “Hair like a bag of chips” band, sprinting around the stage like our arses are on fire. We are very much about the music being the experience and we feel that we’ve had the desired effect if we can see feet tapping and heads nodding!

What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?

All the BBR gigs have been really enjoyable with no dramas – there are stories we could publish from our previous bands, but these would need to be saved for another interview!

What kit do you use / guitars do you play / etc.?
Sean, live a Sure Beta 58b.

Dave is a mystery he plays a matt black bass, but he does use a bass Muff.

Alex plays Pearl Session Elite in white 14” rack tom, 16” 18” floor toms, 22” bass drum, Cymbals – all Paiste pst 5’s, 7’s, 2002 14” hats, 10” & 12” splashes, 16” & 18” crashes, 18” Swiss, 20” ride, 6.5” deep session elite steel snare and a cowbell!

Ed’s gear is a Matamp GT2 prototype 100w with EL34 power valves, Matamp 2 x 12 with Celestion Gold 30w drivers, Gibson Les Paul 2004 Studio, Gibson SG 2008 with Bareknuckle P90, PRS singlecut P90, HBE Germacide – germanium treble boost, Echo box delay, TC Vibe pedal and a BOO Tubescreamer.

Jimmy has multiple guitars but for the recordings, Gibson SG, Fender Strat also a Fender Jaguar but that might have been used for some overdubs, he has a pedal board or 2 depending on the song, Jimmy will change his sound depending on the song. He plays his very close to his chest, a man of mystery, also it keeps it interesting

What, if anything, are you plugging/promoting at the moment?

Our debut single “Silver Shroud “ out on Future Noise Recordings.

What are your plans for 2019?

Tracks have been recorded and mastered for the release of our debut EP and of course to gig throughout 2019 to promote this release.

If you were second on a three-band bill, which band would you love to be supporting and which band would you choose to open for you? A chance to plug someone you’ve toured with, or a mate’s band we’ve not heard of before!

Hard question, but I shall mention Desert Storm from Oxford, a great hard rock band who just keep pushing the bar, also they are lovely people. And Fat Orange Wolf because they are family and love them!

Bad Blood Recovery: facebook | twitter

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