Meet cleopatrick, the heavy alt-rock duo that’s changing the game (yup, the ‘c’ is lower case). Here’s a bit about them in their own, lower case, words. I assume that caps lock keys are hard to come by in the wilds of Ontario…
Simple things first – where are you guys from?
we are from the very small town of Cobourg, ON, Canada.
How did you meet?
we met on our first day of kindergarten at st. michael’s elementary school.
How long have you been playing as a band?
we have been playing music together for about 12 years total, and in this band for 3 years now.
Before you get sick of being asked… where does the band name come from?
when we were initially brainstorming ideas, luke kind of just came up with it. i didn’t really like it at first but over time it grew on me.
What are your influences?
i believe that everything we experience influences us. we try to take the world as it is and depict it in our own words and views through our music. music wise, our biggest influences would be highly suspect, ready the prince, and brockhampton.
Describe your music. What makes you unique?
our music is honest. a lot of rock music (like all genres of music) these days tend to glorify and exaggerate lifestyle. we write about how or what we feel. we like our music to be heavy and have weight, whether that is referring to the instrumentation or not.
Do you have any particular lyrical themes?
we have both had relatively “normal” lives – growing up no matter where you are or what your circumstances may be, you feel things.
so we just make honest music about things we’ve lived through or seen.
What’s your live show like? How many shows have you played?
we like to keep the live show as high energy as possible. if we are having fun, then the crowd is having fun and if the crowd is having fun we have an even better time. we’ve played at least 150 shows.
What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?
luke has crowd surfed while playing guitar and successfully made it down for the last chorus of “city kids” twice now. i don’t think it gets much better than that honestly.
What kit do you use / guitars do you play / etc.?
i play a gretsch catalina maple series drum kit (cherry burst) and luke plays a les paul (iced tea burst) through a vox AC-15.
What, if anything, are you plugging/promoting at the moment?
What are your plans for 2018?
for the rest of 2018 we are really pushing on touring and making new friends around the world. (world domination).
If you were second on a three-band bill, which band would you love to be supporting and which band would you choose to open for you? A chance to plug someone you’ve toured with, or a mate’s band we’ve not heard of before!
we would really love to support someone like kendrick lamar. we are both huge fans of hip hop and believe there would be nothing better than bridging the gap between a rock show and a hip hop show. we would have ready the prince open the show because they are the best band in the world.
From previous Band of the Day Boobs of DOOM: What would you get paid in, if you couldn’t have money, and why?
i would say gasoline, so we could at least make it to the next venue.
From another BotD, We’re No Gentlemen: What is the worst food you ever ate while on the road to a gig?
we honestly haven’t really had much of a bad food experience on the road yet. here’s to the future.
And from Vulture Cult: What is the most embarrassing story about one of your members?
hey, luke here. i definitely have the most embarrassing story.
okay so when cleo first started doing our thing, ian and i were only eighteen years old. and our initial shows were some of our first experiences being in bars.
at our first ever toronto show, i decided i was going to illegally order ian and i celebratory “we’re playing in toronto” beers before our set.
i went up to the bar and quickly began to feel the anxiety of a rule-breaking situation set in – i got caught up in my head and caved under the pressure of this pretty simple task. long story short, instead of ordering two beers, i panicked, glanced at the “specials” board — and clumsily ordered “two jamesons please!”
i totally knew that “jameson” wasn’t a fucking beer — and was surprised as the bartender poured two shots of whisky for me. too embarrassed to tell anyone, i downed them both and buried that moment deep in my mind until today.
cleopatrick: official | facebook | twitter | instagram | youtube | soundcloud | spotify