Band of the Day: Driftwood Pyre

Are you ready to find out more about yet another new band? I know I am. Hailing all the way from… ah, you know what? I’ll let them tell you. Take it away Marie…

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

Hi, this is Marie chiming in, organ player in Driftwood Pyre. We are based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Three of us were born in Minnesota – however, Liam hails from Scotland and Courtney is from Los Angeles.

How did you meet?

Liam, Joe and I met and started playing together in a previous band in 2006, and really never lost touch. Driftwood Pyre started out a recording project between Aaron and guitarist Liam, but after seeking out Joe for additional guitar, it was clear that it was morphing into a live act. When Driftwood Pyre began searching out a drummer, Aaron suggested his friend Courtney who had just moved to Minneapolis. I came a bit later, when previous organ player Jeanne moved to San Francisco.

How long have you been playing as a band?

Five whole years!

Before you get sick of being asked… where does the band name come from?

I can’t take credit for the name, but what I take from it is death and renewal. Especially after feeling lost at sea for so long, to burn it all down and start over. I think everyone deserves that.

What are your influences?

Every single one of us have such different tastes; this is an impossible one to answer. We can’t even agree on what to listen to in the van. I think what influences us more than anything is our shared experiences as band and the way we all walk through life.

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

We all draw from different wells. Given that we all have different tastes and grew up with vastly different influences, you don’t have five people all desiring to replicate or further one certain sound or appeal to one genre. Our writing style allows for a lot of leg room in how everyone fills in on someone’s initial idea. The end product of writing sessions are always a bit of a surprise. The only guarantee is that it will be very, very loud.

Do you have any particular lyrical themes?

They draw from some of the same themes as the band name itself. Every one of us is letting go of a past and hopeful for a better future, and the only way there is through, as they say. Old relationships, current presidents, the good and bad times on the road…these are all on the table. I’m a sucker for the human condition, I think we all are.

What’s your live show like? How many shows have you played?

Loud. And please don’t ask us to turn down. If it’s a good gig, Joe is usually on the floor. Liam is likely giving banter. We try not to break anything, though.

What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?

I wish I could give my honest answer! All I will say is we are willing to be as rowdy as the crowd is, so don’t test us too far or you may get shown up.

What kit do you use / guitars do you play / etc.?

Come to a show and find out.

What are your plans for 2017 and into 2018?

2017 is almost over! We are weatherproofing our apartments and rotating our tires. But really, we look forward to wintertime here. Its the perfect time to play fewer gigs and focus on writing, recording and planning for spring.

If you were second on a three-band bill, which band would you love to be supporting and which band would you choose to open for you? A chance to plug someone you’ve toured with, or a mate’s band we’ve not heard of before!

I personally would lose my shit to play with Wolf Alice, they absolutely kill. For an opener, I would love to see either No No Instigator from Zagreb, Croatia or DEAFLOVERS from Angers, France. Two very impressive acts from our European tour.

Driftwood Pyre: facebook | bandcamp

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