Band of the Day: Alaska Alaska

Alaska Alaska - Never Thought We'd Get This FarWe don’t get to put the Band of the Day articles up as regularly as we like, so it’s nice when we get the chance. Thanks to Jamie from Alaska Alaska for telling us about the band…

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

We are from areas around Newport and Gloucester.

How did you meet?

Well me and Leah were original members of the band and Leah left because she had a bad wrist and it hurt to drum. Tom I knew from friends before and he mixed our first EP and Dave… we found Dave in an igloo on Barry Island (also known as joinmyband).

How long have you been playing together as a band?

The bands been together for over 3 years now but the lineup has changed a bit but with us all its been since about late December.

Before you get sick of being asked… where does the band name come from?

I’ll never get sick of this question. The band name comes from a quote from Into The Wild.

What are your influences – individually or as a band?

Individually we’d be here forever but I’d say we are inspired by British punk bands such as Bangers (RIP *crying face*), Gnarwolves and Above Them to the Long Island punk bands such as Iron Chic, Latterman, The Movielife, Brand New and Crime in Stereo.

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

Shouty, catchy punk and without sounding big headed or anything I’d say the unique thing we have is an ability to mix all our influences and steer it to our own sound.

Do you have any particular lyrical themes?

Not really. I try and stay away from the “you broke my heart and I’m upset and pissed” kinda lyrics and keep it to more relatable topics that everyone goes through. Like we’ve all felt like we are about to lose our minds and break down from being run down to much or been affected by something with our family or friends and other times you wake up and you’re positive about life and everything seems to be going right and that’s what I try and do with my lyrics.

What’s your live show like? How many shows have you played?

With our new line up we haven’t played a show yet but from the past I’d say over twenty shows. Remembering how those shows went and our line up now I’d say they’d be energetic shows!

What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?

Wildest thing to happen at a show is normally one of us will try and crowd surf for one of the bands we are playing with and just deck it on the ground! But it’s good cos we’ll be drunk by then!

What kit do you use / guitars do you play / etc.?

I’m currently limited to my Les Paul as I’m a lefty and left handed guitars are rare to come by. Dave normally plays a Fender Strat (I think) and Tom, I think, is Fender bass. Leah uses a mapex armoury and speed cobra pedal, Sabian aax hi-hats, Zidjian A Custom and K Dark crashes and a ZXT ride.

What are your plans for 2016?

Our plans for 2016 are to release our upcoming EP Never thought we’d get this far and tour and play as many shows as we can and then hopefully release another EP early next year!

If you could be part of any 3-band line-up (as support or headlining) who else would you have on the bill?

If I could be apart of a 3 band bill I think it would have to be… damn this is hard! Have to be Brand New, The Menzingers and us or Latterman, Crime in Stereo and us!

Alaska Alaska: facebook | bandcamp

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