Adam, singer with In Search of Sun (formerly known as Driven), got in touch last week to point me to the band’s new video which ties in with their forthcoming album release. Within 30-40 seconds of watching the video, I wanted to hear more of their material.
Duly armed, I decided to ramp up the album review into a Band of the Day article. Mainly as they’re easier to write without repeating myself, so I can give the band a bit more credit!
Based in London, the band have been together for three years. Similar to Electric River who I interviewed a few weeks back, the band have gone through several musical styles, picking and choosing amongst their favourite influences until they’ve finally settled on a combination that suits them – a sound that they can call their own. Starting off with groove and flirting with metalcore, the end result is more thrashy, with still an edge of groove and a touch of technical… and that’s just in the title track “The World Is Yours” which you can sample below! Other tracks have a whiff of ambient about them and maybe a smidge of classic heavy metal.
“51 56” is probably the first track on the album to show the ambient colours, and that’s more as it fades at the end into the next song, “In Search of Sun”. Indeed, the whole album flows really well, coming across as one long piece of music rather than just a collection of tracks. This eponymous track, though, is probably the most “different” being more laid back in tone to start with before ramping up the grooves about a minute in. There’s a lot of proggy stuff in that song, too. In fact, if there’s a track on the album that showases the band’s variety, this is it.
My personal favourites are the ones which are predominantly heavier – the title track, “Burn”, “Draw The Line” and “The Eyes Behind I”. It’s a hell of a debut album, and production is superb as well. It sound cracking through decent headphones, as I’ve discovered because I’ve been having to listen to it at night after the kids are in bed!
Vocals are varied and duties shared between the aforementioned Adam and drummer Sean who does the backing vox. Joining them are Rory, David and Faz on guitar, guitar and bass respectively.
They’ve also played a ton of live shows, both in support and headlining, including a set at Hammerfest 2013. Audience interaction is high on their list of positives and I like a band that doesn’t just amble on, play stuff then walk off again.
So check ’em out and keep an eye open for the album release. Dates are September 1st under Raging Demon Entertainment, available throughout Europe via Plastic Head Distribution. There is also set to be US/Worldwide release on October 7th.
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