New Band of the Day: Dirty Shirt

Dirty Shirt
Dirty Shirt

A welcome email dropped into my tray from Romania last night. A country I visited a few years ago and really enjoyed (cheap beer, hot chicks, great scenery) has a very interesting band doing the round by the name of Dirty Shirt.

They’ve recently released their second studio album, Freak Show, a follow up to their debut Same Shirt Different Day in 2010. In between them there was even a live album.

Musically, they tell me they’re a little like Kontrust who I had up the other day and there are definitely some tiny similarities – dual vocals being one – but they’re definitely not treading on each other’s toes sound-wise.

Dirty Shirt are heavier, though they’ve maintained a folk music influence in many of their tracks. I spotted a violin (or similar) in one of their videos, plus they have quite a plunky funk feel on other tracks. Definitely a variety.

If you like your music grungy, a bit punky, bouncy and angry then check them out. All three albums can be downloaded at Bandcamp and a zillion other online merchants. Their tour dates only seem to be in Romania at present but fingers crossed they get more exposure and a chance to play further afield soon.

official | facebook | youtube | bandcamp

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